Crux intelligence is a Business Intelligence tool that helps it’s customers make better decisions. The biggest way people consume data is through pictoral representation aka data visualizations. So, I was super excited to get my hands and own the data visualizations at Crux intelligence. As a product we allowed users to analyse any sort of number and be able to find the wheres and whys of said number. However, data visualizations didn’t allow the versatility that the rest of the product allowed for. So it was time to change that!
As mentioned above, the crux intelligence app allowed for a lot of versatility with functionality and analysing any number. Visualizations provided a better understanding of continuous data rather than only one number. To further increase the convenience of comparison and consumption efficiency, the PM team suggested a few interactions to include in each the visualizations.
Clickthrough on any data point : To further continue exploring the number and why it’s even there and where it came from - being able to click on a data point was very important.
Split by time : Comparing values with how that particular measure performed between months or years was a huge usecase tat turned up in one of our research sessions, so we decided to include that as well in our visualization project venture.
Show values : Some visualizations contain a huge range of values and just looking at the axes doesn’t help in estimating the values and having the values visible would make consumption a lot more efficient
Enabling Forecasting : This was a feature that was frequently requested for by our clients and other potential clients we were pitching to.
We needed more structure for what we were getting ourselves into as this was a massive project. So we made an architecture of :